Hi! I am Brandon Schefstad

Logo for HTML Logo for CSS Logo for javascript Logo for typescript Logo for mongodb Logo for express Logo for reactJS Logo for NodeJS Logo for Pug Logo for SASS
Brandon Schefstad smiling off to the side
Pragmatic JavaScript devotee.
Teacher turned Software Developer
Short on time?


Next Level Hair Designs

Designed and crafted a static site for a local hairstylist. She was previously doing all business through Instagram DM's, which ended up being hacked. She wanted a site to advertise without the risk of losing everything again.

Raising Our Bar

Front end dashboard displaying the sentencing history of 150+ Philadelphia judges. Philadelphia citizens can query specific judges, see bail amounts, and compare two judges against each other.


Full stack application for teachers of students with disabilities. Teachers can create student profiles to input their accommodations and IEP information



Thanks for making it to the end!

My cat Bento in front of yellow flowers My cat Bento in front of a sunset window My cat Bento laying in a sunbeam My cat Mittens sleeping facedown My cat Mittens looking forward My cat Mittens sleeping on her side
